This site is in no way connected with Arsenal Football Club and the views and opinions expressed here are in no way representative of Arsenal Football Club.
All comments are the opinions of the individual, and do not represent the views of Goonerverse and not any other party.
A little bit about myself, not that it is particularly interesting, but I am a lifelong gooner and have had my paltry wages almost entirely consumed by an upper tier season ticket. The price rise was a step too far for me and am no longer in possession of a season ticket but will surely end up going to most games to waste the limited disposable income I have. (Or if I’m lucky I can scav free games when my brother can’t go). I am from the mean streets of Compton or somewhere akin to that in an English sub-urb (just) outside London so please do excuse some of the language used and if ever in need of a translation feel free to get in touch.
An honest introduction, and perhaps more importantly for the purpose of this blog would be to describe myself as one of the most optimistic supporters. I have in the past four seasons lost a £100 bet stating we will win the league. The good news on this front is that the odds will be so long this year that I may recoup most of the £400 lost over the previous seasons.
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